Monday, July 03, 2006

My Nephew Can (Almost) Spell

A week or two ago, my parents had my niece and nephew with them as they went to Sam's Wholesale Club. They were walking toward a big display of peanuts when my mom looked over at my dad and said, "Should we go over to the emm oh vee eye ee ess before we leave?"

My nephew (6 years old) looked up immediately. "Gramma, what'd you spell?"

"Peanuts!" my mom said, pointing to the approaching display.

My nephew thought about this a second. "You said emm, that's mmm, muh, mwuuuhhh, and peanuts starts with a puh, puh, puh, Gramma that's not what you spelled."

I know everyone says their (or in this case, their close relative's) kids are smart, but still... I was impressed. Heck, if I had been thinking about something else *I* might not have caught that.

Of course, I *never* zone out like that. *ahem*. Rent-A-Zilla, keep your mouth shut. :)


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