Photoshop Jeff! - Happyness - Results!
You guys really came through for me on this one. I love all the goodies! Let's get right to it.
First up is this gem from LadyPatsFan who wrote, "The second I saw the theme I knew exactly what would make you happy." Indeed... happiness is not having hail damage on my Vibe.
My buddy Shorts took a slightly different approach, thinking, "What would make any good little nerd happy?" I think he hit the mark.
V gave me a simple but wonderful one.
The idea for this one came from my wife! She listed off a number of things that make me happy... music, my Vibe, Tigger, my laptop, our first house... and of course, her. :)
OoRah went completely nuts on this one, giving me THREE pictures and some insights into how his mind works. First, there's...
And if conservative policies don't help, you can always resort to violence...
And this is just TMI, dude.
Not to be outdone, P-Ziddy gladly accepted the three-picture gauntlet with some horrors of his own. There's the ever-popular Motivational Poster...
And of course, the obvious...
And then the second picture inspired by my hail post from a few days ago. He said he couldn't get the idea of "Romance Novel Cover Jeff" out of his head.
Finally, there's this one from me. It's inspired by my littlest Nephew's amusing name for Curious George. If you haven't read that one, go back and read it. Seriously. It's a classic.
Many thanks for all the good-natured fun at my expense! You can still send in pics if you want, I'll always post them. :)
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