Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Photoshop Jeff Results: Book Cover

Book CoverThere were some really good ones, so let's get right to it. Your mission: take the pic of me on the right, and put me on a book cover. Your results:

We'll start with this one from Powerama... as he said, it's a terribly simple joke, but it *is* amusing.

These next two are from iCanSpell... be sure to click into these as they go by, there's detail in the tattoos and the fine print that's hard to make out at this size.

I did this next one... again, click into it if you want to enjoy the smallish text.

This one is from the Imp. It features, among other things, my favorite of the tattoos.

Finally, this one is from P-Ziddy. It's my favorite. There's lots of joy in the details of this one, so click it for a bigger version. :)

Check out this late Photoshop Jeff pic from Short-Timer!

I wish this 'mag really *had* existed when I was young'un. That last topic in particular... boy, I needed help! Thanks for the pic, Short-Timer.

Thanks to everybody who participated! You may now continue your week.

Past Photoshop Jeff Glory:

A link to ALL the Photoshop Jeff pics!



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