Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday Adventures

Saturday was a long but fun day.

Zoom-ZoomSaturday morning I went down to P-Ziddy's place to help him move. I couldn't spend the whole day there like the rest of his helpers, but I wanted to do what I could. Assisting with the move were P-Ziddy's wife and mom, Boss Man, myself, ICanSpell, and ICanSpell's hubby, ICanDrink.

ICanDrink made it a point to say, "I want to make sure I don't do anything amusing so I don't end up as Blog Fodder." Ha! He's still going to figure into this post, even though he's not the butt of any jokes. :)

I don't trust youP-Ziddy has a cute little dog who didn't like me at all. Initially, I couldn't be in the same room with her. She wouldn't stop barking at me. Then, proximity was OK as long as I didn't look at her. She'd start barking again. Then, eye contact was acceptable as long as I didn't do anything friendly toward her. More barking. After a while, friendly gestures were OK, but no touching. Touching = Barking. Finally, I could pet her and she was OK with that.

At noon when I left, she followed me out to my car. Suddenly, I was her BFF.

Since I'm a bit (*ahem*) scrawny, I fit easily between things. This is always a useful trait when loading a UHaul. At one point I crawled up between items to help guide in a bookcase that P-Ziddy and ICanDrink were pushing into place.

StuckP-Ziddy said, "H'ray! Let's go grab another." From behind him came my pathetic voice... "Uh, guys?... I'm stuck."

P-Ziddy and ICanDrink had to pull me out of the truck.

In the afternoon, my wife and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with Fyrebaugh and his fiance. Grand movie and fun evening, even if it did last later than we expected it to.

Johnny DangerouslyAlso, Friday evening I saw Johnny Dangerously for the first time. I can't believe I'd never seen that one. Grand movie also, although for completely different reasons. :)


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lil: And shelf paper! Oh, Johnny, I *love* shelf paper!


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