Thursday, January 17, 2008

Water Leak

Shiny!Yesterday at work, I happened to notice a spot on the carpet right across from my desk. It looked shiny. Carpet should not be shiny.

I went over to look, and discovered a hand-sized puddle of damp, right next to the wall. There's a leak in the wall. Grand. I didn't even know there was plumbing in that wall.

So I notified all the folks I should notify, including The Golfer (my boss). The Golfer had some insight regarding the plumbing. He said that before this room was our office, it was a meeting room. There was a pipe that came out of the wall right around that spot. They had built a box / cabinet around it, and used it to hold a microwave and a coffee maker.

Insert your own Brokeback Mountain joke hereThe thought of a coffee maker in our office made me think of The Farmer. He's moved on to another job now, but he's a coffee man, big time. He used to make "Cowboy Coffee" (his words) to drink at his desk. That stuff was apparently on par with the Brazilian Pilao in terms of strength.

"You know, " I told The Golfer, "It's probably best that Farmer never knew there used to be a coffee maker in this room." Golfer laughed and agreed.

Want!I thought about this a minute. "Actually, " I said, "It's probably not such a good idea that *I* know it."

When they fix that leak, I wonder if they'd be willing to install a coffee maker for us?...


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