Wednesday, July 05, 2006

An Inanimate Object's Birthday

Today, three of my coworkers were at my desk, and we were discussing some things we'd like to do on our company's web site.

Mad Dogg sent me to Yahoo's page, to look at the way they present their multimedia content. I clicked on the top story link, which just happened to be about the Bikini turning 60.

By the way Mad Dogg, thanks for making me click on a bikini link at work. If the network admin notices that one, I'm sure I'll get some interesting questions asked of me. I'll be sure to blame you. ;)

At any rate, the content of that page was loading very slowly. Mad Dogg got about an inch from my monitor, and asked very politely, "What is taking so long?". Of course, when I say "politely" in reference to Mad Dogg, that means that there was only one profanity in the sentence.

So I said, "It's performance anxiety. Too many people are watching too closely."

Switch immediately deadpanned, "Yeah, my wife does that to me sometimes."

Switch, you've got the best deadpan punch line delivery I've been around in a long time. I'm pretty sure I misquoted you, but I think I got the gist of it. Let me know if I butchered your joke too badly.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Switch seems to be the "bad man 2.0"

At 1:04 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

Naw, Switch is far too good-natured to be considered in the same smelly shadow as the Bad Man.


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