Monday, November 06, 2006

Mall Sadness

My wife and I spent part of Saturday at the mall with a friend. A good time was had by all. However, we didn't travel there together. My wife and her friend arrived together, and I arrived on my own.

I parked outside Macy's. The mall was thick with shoppers, so I decided not to brave the interior parking lot. Instead, I parked way the heck out, basically as far away as I could possibly park. I wasn't worried about finding the car again. After all, I parked directly opposite the big Macy's sign.

ShopperAt the conclusion of the shopping extravaganza, we walked to our friend's car, and saw her off. Then, my wife and I started looking for our car. She arrived with her friend, so she had no idea where I parked. And when I walked directly away from the big Macy's sign, my car was nowhere to be found.

I began to walk around the mall. This took no small amount of time. Turns out, there's more than one "Macy's" exit from the mall. In fact, there are 3 (I think). All have that dang big "Macy's" sign over the door. The one that I parked near was just to my left. Guess which direction I started walking?

Zoom-Zoom20 minutes and 1 full lap around the mall later, I've found the car. Now, I've got to find the wife. I left her back at the big "Woodland Hills" entrance. Did you know there's more than one of them, too?

So I jogged around the mall once, then I drove around it a second time. I felt stupid, as you can imagine, but I've got a plan for next time. I know exactly how to avoid losing the car again. Next time we go to the mall, I'm going to let my wife go in and shop. And I'm sittin' in the car.


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Just be glad there wasn't another identical color car parked near one of those signs that you weren't parked near. I did that once, here I was trying to unlock someone else's car......


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