Friday, November 03, 2006

Tidy-Bowl Savant

Yeah, it's another bathroom story. Sorry. It's not *that* kind of bathroom story, though. Trust me.

The PottyI went to the restroom this morning at work. Standing in front of one of the toilets was a co-worker, who was looking down at it with a concerned, focused stare.

"Good morning," I said.

"Hi," he replied. "This toilet's makin' noise."

We are both techy-geeky types. "Commode Noises" are not exactly our specialty. "What did you do to it?" I half-jokingly asked.

"Nothing. I didn't touch it... it just started making noise on its own."

The situation was rapidly deteriorating into Stuff I Can Do Nothing About. "Well," I said, "Call a plumber and an exorcist, just to be safe."

With that, the toilet stopped making noises.

"Hey, you made it be quiet!" he exclaimed. "I have that effect on toilets," I replied.

Today is a weird day.


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