Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Whee!My niece turned 5 years old this past Monday. To celebrate, she had a bowling party. The party was Sunday.

We had quite a range of players at this little party. We had several 8-and-under types, who could barely get the ball all the way down the lane even with the bumpers. We had folks like me, who will occasionally bowl a strike and then follow it up with 3 straight gutter balls. And then we had an actual honest-to-goodness Pro Bowler. He's a cousin of mine who just turned pro a couple of months ago.

The scores ranged from 32 to 235. Our Pro player had a bit of an off game.

Nephew, with Scooby-Doo bowling ballNiece, w/ Barbi bowling ballOur Pro player also came with gifts for just about everybody. He had a Scooby-Doo bowling ball for my nephew and a Barbie bowling ball for my niece. She's not quite 25 pounds herself, so an 8-pound ball is a bit much for her. But aside from the fact that she couldn't lift it, she seemed to like it a lot.

He also brought out around 8 of his old bowling balls. He just more or less tossed them in the center of the gathering and said, "anyone who wants one, go ahead."

Not my ball, but similarI have my own bowling ball now. I bowled an 88. I bowl, at most, about once every two years. But I have my own ball now. It's purple, with swirly bits.

I love it.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There really is no safe comment. I'll just go back into my cave and attempt to be good.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger queen_spoo said...

Oooohhhh... I want the purple swirly one.......... *sigh*


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