Friday, February 23, 2007

Silly Story

I heard this story a few weeks ago. I am quite certain it's urban legend at best, but it's amusing.

Mighty hunterIt seems that a hunter went out deep in the woods alone. He got into some kind of trouble and lost most of his provisions. There he was, more or less lost, and it was a multi-day hike back to civilization.

Don't shoot!After four days, he was starving. He saw a bald eagle flying overhead. He still had his gun, so he shot the eagle. Then he started up a campfire and had dinner.

A day or two later, he was finally found and returned to civilization. He was also promptly arrested for shooting a bald eagle.

At the trial, his lawyer made a great case. "Your honor, this man was hungry! Four days without food! He was simply trying to survive." The judge agreed.

As the hunter was leaving the courtroom, he was approached by several reporters. He answered a few questions about the trial. The last question one reporter asked was, "What does bald eagle taste like?"
Without hesitation the hunter replied, "A lot like spotted owl."


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