Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Saw "The Incredible Hulk" over the weekend. :) I know some people really like the crowd experience; seeing a movie opening weekend with loud audience reactions and whatnot. But for me, the best time to see a movie like this is on opening weekend of a Will Smith movie. My wife and I were the only ones in the theater.


I kinda cocked my head sideways when they introduced Emil Blonsky as a Russian-born man, and then this British guy started speaking. Other than that... it was perfection.

When the jolly green giant raised his fists and roared "HULK SMASH!!!", I giggled like a little schoolgirl. Days later, I was still giggling. Heck, even now I'm still sqeakin' a bit.
Jeff + Hulk 4 Ever
Ah, Hulk. You've always had the keys to my heart.


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Don't make me "hungry" you wouldn't like me when I'm "hungry"!!!


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