Monday, January 19, 2009

Tricky Finger

I'm an idiot.

From time to time, I chew my fingernails. I know it's a bad habit, but it's one I've had since I was 3 and half weeks old. I don't do it as much anymore, but apparently it's still too much.

I developed a paronychia infection in my left middle finger. It was red, pussy, swollen, and painful. Good times.

... then, I'll open the abscess using a surgical knife ...Most of our Saturday was spent in a doctor's waiting room with a bunch of other people who also didn't plan ahead. My doctor looked like the bald lead singer for a punk rock band. He put down his guitar, gently pushed away his groupies, smashed a beer can on his forehead and then calmly told me he'd have to do some slicing on my finger to make it all better. I thought about protesting, but his stage manager looked mean.

He started by giving me injections to numb the pain. "This will be the worst part," he explained. "You'll have a strong burning sensation along with some really intense pressure." During the process, I had my other fist clenched, jaw grinding, eyes slammed shut, and my legs were twitching. Somehow I managed to grunt out the words, "DANGIT... you're an honest man..."

That earned me a brief respite from the pain as he paused to laugh.

You should see the other guyIt turns out, "the worst part" was a very relative term. He got to cuttin' on me with his little razor-wazzit, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like without the numbing shots. I also wondered if I was going to need to change my shorts when it was over.

The final act involved a nurse putting a gauze corn dog on my finger. So much for any chance at subtly.

The moral of the story, obviously, is "don't be me". It's not worth it. :)


At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:05 AM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

Your restraint is admirable, my friend. :)

At 11:59 AM, Blogger LadyPatsFan said...

Giggles developed cellulitis in her ear lobe and had to have it lanced, so we both feel your pain. Her bandaged right ear made her look like Vincent Van Gogh - not a look many 8yo girls strive for.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger jpow said...

Pain is fleeting.
Wounds heal.
Chicks dig scars.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...


This experience may not *quite* be in tune with the context of your quote, jpow... ;)


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