Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Past and Present Collide: Jolt Cola

This is related to my long, violent history with caffeine that I mentioned in my Senseo story.

First, the back-story. In college, I experimented with Jolt Cola. Now, I was quite the caffeine junkie, but even so this stuff was hardcore. I bought 2 cans of it so that I could pull an all-nighter and finish a research paper. Truth be told, I hadn't even started the paper yet. It was freshman year, so 1992 or early 1993.

The first can went down with pizza, and the flurry of activity was on. Around 3AM, the second can went down solo, and I started having hallucinations. I talked to my dorm roommate for a solid half-hour before I realized that he wasn't there.

And now... the present-day horror...

Two of my current co-workers (Mad Dogg and Switch) showed up to a meeting today, and both had what looked like 32(maybe 36?)-ounce behemoth re-sealable canisters... of Jolt Cola.

I was seriously worried. Mere proximity to that kind of raw caffeinated power was enough to make my body remember what overdose is like. My heart started to race.

You might remember something about Mad Dogg from my earlier post about his birthday. He is, by nature, a pretty spastic guy. He does not need this much energy drink, no matter what he thinks.

As the meeting wore on, I saw more and more nervous movement from his general direction. Chair rocking back and forth, words coming out almost before his mouth opened, that sort of thing. On the other hand, Switch, who is generally pretty relaxed, just seemed to laugh more.

At one point in the meeting, somebody said "catch-all". Mad Dogg heard that out of context, and with legitimate surprise in his face said, "Did you just say, 'I'll cut you all?'"

So, the meeting was both terrifying and entertaining. Every day is an adventure. :)


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lucky dog

At 1:21 PM, Blogger MetaCow said...

Wow! What's next for Jolt? "Introducing new Mega-Jolt™ Cola, now with REAL cocaine!"

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have thrown in some chocolate covered coffee beans.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

We do not discuss the accursed choco-coffee beans.

We hates them, Precious.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Yet just how well do you know the caffienne section of thinkgeek? Hmmm???

You definately have a love / hate relationship with the caffienne

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

To find out how to put coffee in all your foods, check out:


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