Thursday, September 28, 2006


?!?!?I had two Jaw-Droppers yesterday. You know the moments... they start with the words "What the..." and usually end in some combination of exclamation points and question marks. I shall expound.

Jaw-Dropper One: The Dark One's Weather

Check out the weather person at this site (which I'm *ahem* somewhat associated with) - It's got an animated character that reads off a weather forecast. I'm not sure who made the choice for the particular character I saw yesterday. Just in case that character has been changed to something more human, I've got a couple of screen caps of the thing. These pics have *not* been modified in any way.

Dark One?Dark One?

Looking at this monstrosity speaking (my speakers were turned off), I could just imagine a dark crusty voice rumbling, "THIS WEEKEND, TEMPERATURES IN THE SIXTH CIRCLE WILL BE SLIGHTLY LOWER THAN NORMAL."

Jaw-Dropper Two: The Nude Cowboy Roofer

There are new apartments being built very close to where I live. When I came home from work yesterday, a roofer was working on the roof shingles on top of one of the buildings. He had big bulky boots. He had no harness, and no shirt. He also had a huge cowboy hat on.

Yee-Haw!I was greatly amused by this (moderately) nude cowboy roofer. I was so amused in fact, that I went back out a few minutes later with my camera. Alas, he had gone off to be nude somewhere else. In cases like this, I would normally go hunting on Google Images for a pic, but I don't think an internet search for "nude cowboy roofer" would be wise.


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Apparently you weren't the only person with an issue with the goth weather girl.. Today it is an older man with a receding hairline and no eyes.....

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:42 AM, Blogger queen_spoo said...

Too bad...I was waiting for her head to start spinning....


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