Monday, September 18, 2006


'twas a nice weekend. My ongoing real-time scores and stats project took a turn for the better in a big way. It actually worked.

I remain shocked and amazed. After two weekends in a row of babysitting this thing while the college football games are going on, it just simply... worked. It was weird. I actually got to watch the games this weekend. Every 10-15 minutes, I'd get antsy and jump up to go look and make sure... yeah, our site is still up-do-date and stuff. I got a lot of exercize during those games.

OUSince I actually got to watch games this weekend, it means that I saw the end of the highly controversial OU loss. You can read about it, if you like... just forgive the broken image. I have no idea how that happened, and after the last few weekends I've had, I don't muchly care. :)

UPDATE: Here's another good link regarding that game.

Anyway, I have 3 quick thoughts on the outcome of that game:

1) If your team is in a position where the officals can rob you of a victory with their mistakes, then it means you havn't taken advantage of all your opportunities.
2) Speaking of missed chances, OU really needs to find some defense if they want to avoid more last-minute ref-mistake losses.
3) I've been generous. Those were not referee mistakes... OU was intentionally robbed, plain and simple.

OSUOf course, I'm an OSU fan, so I havn't exactly been losing any sleep over it. :)


At 7:55 AM, Blogger queen_spoo said...

From my sister, who is a sophomore at OU:

Yeah, it's a big deal here. Boren wrote a letter to the officials of the Big 12 to have the game voided and the refs suspended.


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