Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad

Fantasy FootballI got the coolest news ever this past weekend! My *Dad* is in a fantasy football league!

I'm so proud of you, Dad! [sniff] This really is a beautiful moment.

My Dad is not a big football buff, he's more of a casual fan. Some guys in his office were setting up a league, and they had 11 players. Needing a 12th, they came to Dad.

"Hey, wanna join our league?"
"Not really."
"C'mon, none of us know what we're doing, either!"
"Well, alright. What do I have to do?"
"Just think up a team name."

Dad looks at the bottle of water he's drinking, and immediately decides on a team name. "Sam's Choice".

The league got set up, and "Sam's Choice" was there. The league automatically drafted players for them, so Dad logged on to look at his team. He's actually got a pretty good lookin' team, I think.

One of the other guys in the league wasn't so lucky. So he came to Dad, and asked for a trade. "Hey, I'll give you my best Running Back for your best Wide Receiver."

Doc HudsonGiven the quality of the players involved, this was like asking Dad to give him a mint-condition 1950's Hudson Hornet in exchange for a rusty bicycle with a flat tire. Dad wisely said no.

The guy went to one of Dad's closer co-workers and asked him, "What will it take to get him to agree to a trade?" This guy knows my dad well. "Offer him money."

So, the new trade proposal is made... "I'll give you my best Running Back for your best Wide Receiver, and I'll pay your league entry fee." Without hesitation, my dad said "OK."

The sad thing is, Dad's in a 12-man league with auto-draft. I'm in a 10-man league. I did the research and drafted manually. I think he's got a better team than I do.

We'll have to see what the season brings.


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