Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hair Club For Men

OK, I've been resisting doing this one for some time. I can resist no longer.

wolverineOne of the guitarists at my church is balding. He's got the bald spot thing goin' on right in the center, with tufts of hair on either side. Sometimes, he looks down at his hands while he's playing, and it looks like the tufts of hair on either side are stickin' up, and he reminds me of Wolverine. Or maybe Dilbert's boss.

One of the singers at my church is outright bald. Every now and then when he stands in front of the drum shield, I catch a reflection of his head in the glass. And every once in a great while, the reflection is at the just the right height to make him look like he's got a ponytail.

Chad JohnsonAnd finally, the pastor at my church is balding. He's got the bald spots on the sides, though. Sometimes when he's speaking and holds his head at just the right angle, his hair looks like a Chad Johnson mohawk, without the blonde coloring.

Whew! I've been holding all that in for a month or more. It amuses me.

Oh, and in case anybody thinks I'm being unfair or mean, I'll go ahead and say for the record that my hair is ever-so-slowly starting to show signs of gray. If I loose the car again, I'm gonna have to buy a hat.


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember. Grey hair is still hair.


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