Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Violinist Alex Depue

A quickie story and a video is all I got for you today. Sorry.

The story... I was walking to the restroom and overheard a single phrase from two guys who were talking down the hall:

"My dog is the only reason I go home at night."

I think I'll leave the punch-line(s) to PZiddy on that one. Wow.

And the video... check this guy out. This is an outstanding violinist, named Alex Depue. Most impressive.


At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll leave that one alone. But on a similar note, I overheard this fragment of conversation one weekend at my old job:

"Why don't you use the vibrator?"
"Dude. Seriously."

Nothing to see here. Move along!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Glad PZiddy didn't follow up that one! Whew, but the conversation he overheard isn't much better.... However, when we worked with "the bad man", (you know who, all I'll say is latex police costume...), these types of conversations being overheard is not unexpected......


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