Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bus Drivers

Another one rides the busWhen I go to work, I have to park in a lot that's some distance from the actual building where I work. The company provides a shuttle bus for us, so we don't have to walk the 5 blocks or so unless we want to.

Ever since my accident, I've been working from 8:30 to 5:30 so that I can avoid the bulk of the rush hour traffic. An unintended benefit of this is that often I'm the only one coming in, and the bus is just sitting there waiting. I frequently get to ride to and from the office in a bus all by myself.

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!Yesterday morning, the bus driver was sitting there waiting for me. As I approached he said, "Ain't you about 2 minutes late today?"

I had no idea I was *that* predictable. "Ain't you the one who comes in late and leaves late?", he continued. Well, yeah, you got me there.

When I left, again the bus was waiting with nobody on it. The driver was talking on his cell phone as we pulled out into traffic. The one-sided conversation I overheard was not encouraging:

So... Tired..."Yeah, I been up since two-thirty or so... I've been doing that a lot lately... Yeah, I've been doing a *lot* of that to stay awake..."

Erm, 'scuse me kind sir? You can drop me off right here wherever we happen to be and I'll gladly walk the rest of the way...

Unrelated Note: I will likely get my car back from the body shop late tomorrow! Yay!


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Ugh, well at least you get your car back!!!


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