Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lake Trip

Last Sunday, for the first time in 20 years (Gah! I'm too young to be able to say things like that!), I went out on the lake.

My wife had gone off to the mall with our weekend house guest, so Scruffy and I were on our own. It was the first time he'd gone out on the lake as Captain of his boat without a mentor there to help.

The boat (actual pic)We didn't get to stay too long, but it was still pretty nice. The boat handles well, and the lake was breezy but calm. My bits that were already sunburned from the Zoo complained a bit, but I was able to stay in the shade of the canopy most of the time.

It must have been sweet comedy for any true nautical-type to watch Scruffy and I trying to moor the boat. "Hey, push the boat over here, the rope's too short!"

Buff McRockhardIt probably would have helped a great deal for me to have some upper body strength.

At the end of the afternoon, Scruffy was officially crowned a boat person. He'd just taken out his first real guest, and by some miracle he didn't kill him.



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