Monday, November 19, 2007

Try It! You'll Like It!

My wife and I were stopped at a red light last weekend, across from a gas station. There was a guy out front, changing the letters on the their sign. To my great amusement, he carefully spelled out:

Try A Cup

Well, it *was* Sunday... maybe this was his advice to all the football players who were just starting the process of pounding each other into the turf?

While I was wiping tears out of my eyes, he was carefully studying a piece of paper in his hands. He finally shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, "Well, if this is what they *really* want the sign to say..."

Then he deliberately continued with the sign:

Try A Cup Our Latest

I didn't get to see how the little mini-drama finally played out. The light turned, and I had to try not to drive us off into the ditch while laughing. I shouted "Of! Try a cup *of*!" as we drove by, but I don't think he heard me.


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