Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ignoring Your Dependants

My wife and I were at a hospital the other day (her mom had an outpatient procedure done). Our adventures were thankfully uneventful, but we did get to see somebody else's hilarious indifference.

Put me at the top of a hill and let go!An older lady came out of surgery in a wheelchair, pushed by a nurse. "My daughter went to get our car," she crowed. The nurse nodded and pushed her out into the parking lot.

Many minutes passed. The nurse wandered back into the waiting room and approached a likely-looking female. "Mrs. Oblivious?" she asked. The lady put down her book and looked up. "Yes?" "Your mother is waiting for you in the parking lot!"

Panic gives wings to my feetMrs. Oblivious raced outside at considerable speed while we roared with laughter. "Oh, don't worry, mom can drive herself home. The surgery wasn't *that* invasive!"

How liberating it must be to ignore our dependents' needs!

"Instead of cooking dinner for the kids, I'll just order a pizza for myself and watch NASCAR."

"I kennel'ed our dogs before we left for our family vacation back in '86. Maybe I should see if they are still there."

"I dropped Gramma off at Walgreens Tuesday. I was going to pick her up, but I ran off to Las Vegas and got married."


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