Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Super Scrabble

Super ScrabbleMy in-laws got "Super Scrabble", which is a bulked-up version of regular Scrabble. It has twice as many letter tiles and an expanded game board. The extreme outer reaches of the game board has quadruple letter and word score spots.

I am pleased to say, my wife and I were the first to take advantage of a quadruple letter spot. With the letter "X", no less. "TAXI" was worth 35 points that way. Very nice. :)

Of course, having twice as many tiles means there's a better chance of winding up with this kind of selection:

Trust me, 'TTNQNTN' isn't a word. I looked it up.

At least it wasn't as bad as my wife's brother and his bride. During one turn, they had six "I"'s. Wow.

My wife and I led for most of the game, but a spectacular collapse at the end caused us to come in last place. We pretty much ran out of vowels. I think my wife's brother had them all.

Hopefully, we'll have bttr lck nxt tm.


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