Thursday, June 25, 2009


I got a new circular saw.

Yes, new. My old one had died from neglect. This one is all shiny and new!

Generally, there is no need to test a new carbide blade for sharpness.

As long as you avoid obvious safety hazards, a circular saw is a wonderful and useful tool.

Yes, I am an obvious safety hazard. And yes, "Obvious Safety Hazard" would make a rockin' band name.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous P-Ziddy said...

You have learned well, Grasshopper. Soon you shall be ready for the Way of the Screw Gun. Then... Oh yes. Then, you shall know enlightenment.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger V said...

I may be a certified gravity tester and unable to do anything remotely athletic, but at least I can use power tools without harming myself.

Accordingly, Zid's "enlightenment" will likely involve a trip to the ER.

The blog agrees.

blogword - "nowstitch"

Which suggests stitches are in your near future. Either that or you've got a hole in your pants in an embarrassing spot.


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