Thursday, August 06, 2009

When Nature Calls

First let me say in advance that this is a bathroom story. It's not anything more than PG, but since I'm usually pretty aggressively G-rated, I feel compelled to warn (entice?) you.


Pardon me, if you would please...The other day I was in the downtown library and felt nature's call. Things were proceeding normally when the bathroom door explosively crashed open. A guy RAN in, panting and grunting.

When I say he RAN, I'm not kidding. He was a blur as he whooshed past and into the far stall. He slammed the stall door shut so hard that everything rattled.

Less than a second later there was the sound of fabric tearing. I guess his zipper was stuck.

Less than a second after *that*, he uncorked his... well. Let's just say it was not discrete. In fact, have I already used the word "explosive"? Just checking.

This happens *every* time I get lost in the self-help section!Moments later, when my ears popped and I could hear again, he was mumbling out loud to himself. "Oh, lordy," he pondered. "I never... wow. I bet that's horrible. I bet those people need a courtesy flush."

I wanted to laugh, but I didn't dare breathe.

Psychotic, but courteous. There are worse combinations, I suppose.


At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Daniel said...

In one of the stalls at work, there is "DAM GREEN CHILE" carved into the wall as if it were a murder victim identifying his killer before expiring. I can only imagine it came from an episode like this.


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