Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We bought new porch lights.

Jeff is playing with fire...

I have no idea what I was thinking. Porch lights. Me! I am incapable of even *describing* anything electrical without including the words, "...and stuff".

Thankfully, we were replacing existing lights, not installing new outlets. I didn't have to run any new wires and stuff.

You just *know* that somehow I'm gonna poke myself in the eye with all this stuff, don't you?

The astute viewer will notice that there is no outlet box in that picture. The one thing that I'm pretty sure I understand, and it's not there. Talk about working without a net. And stuff.

This was before the wall burst into flame

There were problems, but nothing to severe. The lights have photo sensors on them, so they don't come on during the day even when you flip the switch. We had to wait until evening to see if I had wired things up correctly. I was a nervous wreck all afternoon.

And stuff.


At 8:27 AM, Anonymous P-Ziddy said...

...and plenty of people do just fine with only eight and a half fingers...


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