Friday, November 13, 2009

Can You Help Me?

Don't forget about Photoshop Jeff! I invite you to mock me digitally! I'll post the results sometime next week.

The treasure you seekMy wife and I were shopping at Walmart the other day. A couple of aisles down from us, we heard a sweet little old lady loudly ask somebody;

"Excuse me, do you know where the honey mustard sauce is?"

We didn't think anything of it until we crossed over to the next aisle. Sweet little confused old lady was there, but still couldn't find the treasure she sought. "Excuse me, do you know where the honey mustard sauce is?"

Eep! I fear human contact!The man she asked nearly jumped out of his skin. He pointed in a random direction. "Over there!", he squeaked.

Naturally, he was pointing in our direction.

Thankfully, I had been aware of the saga for a moment, so I had time to prepare my answer. The sweet little old lady approached.

"Excuse me, do you know where the honey mustard sauce is?"

Do *NOT* send the crazy old lady over here!"Toy aisle," I replied, pointing. "Other side of the store."

"Bless you, Dearie."

She wandered off, smiling. A dozen other grocery shoppers gave me a thumbs-up.

Later, we saw her again. She was still asking the same question to every person she passed.

"Excuse me, do you know where the honey mustard sauce is?"

"Yes ma'am," said an exasperated employee. "It's over at Best Buy, across the street."

I have him a thumbs-up as we left.


At 10:17 AM, Anonymous P-Ziddy said...

But where's the beef?


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