Friday, May 11, 2007

In Brief

sshpt!!!Yesterday, I was near a meeting that included a lady with (for lack of a better term) wet speech. Her words were commonly followed by "sshpt" noises. It was hard not to picture the other folks in the meeting being drenched.

Watch your headYesterday I had a rambling conversation with a former co-worked that eventually came around to the phrase, "beat him with a flag." Such an amusing concept... too bad I don't have a flag.

Magician MickeyYesterday I saw "The Illusionist". Quite good. Not as good as "The Prestige", but then again, The Prestige may be the best movie I've ever seen. In any case, Netflix has decided that I love any and all movies with magicians in it. They're sending me "Magician Mickey" next, I'm afraid.


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