Monday, May 07, 2007

Turn Around And Open Your Eyes

Kohl'sAt one point this past weekend, my wife and I found ourselves in Kohl's. We overheard a few amusing things, so I thought I'd share.

I'm searching... where is it?While my wife was in the dressing room, I was sitting in a chair just outside. A lady in front of me asked one of the employees, "Where are the dressing rooms?". The answer, while very polite, was more or less, "Turn around and open your eyes, silly."

Later, while we were walking from one department to another, a lady just behind us asked an employee, "Where's the Shoe Department?". The shoe department was all of 6 steps in front of us. Again the answer, while very polite, was more or less, "Turn around and open your eyes, silly."

Underwear, or swimsuit?We also overheard a small conversation between a mother and her little girl (aged 5-ish, I'd guess). It went something like this:

"Look mom! Bathing Suits!"
"No, that's underwear."


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