Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who's Next?

Zoom-ZoomWe have an elderly neighbor who recently moved into a nursing home. He's a nice gentleman who can't walk much anymore, so he's got an electric scooter that ferries him around from place to place.

His wife comes to visit him frequently, and often brings along members of the family to visit him. These visitors have included his youngest great-grandson, and his dog.

I'm the cute one in the familyA few days ago, the folks in the nursing home all saw him scooting around the home with his small dog in his lap. A day or so later, they saw him scooting around the home with his great-grandson in his lap.

A day or so later, one of the old ladies in the home came up to him and said, "You know, I've seen you with that dog in your lap, and then with that young man in your lap. I just want to know... am I next?"

Ah, flirting. In an old folk's home. *Not* something I want to think about too much. ;)


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