Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Kid Stories

The root of all evil?I talked to my dad over the weekend. He told me that my niece (5) and nephew (7) are back in school again. The kids generally get sent to school with a couple of dollars in quarters. Which brings me to:

What niece does (reluctantly) with her quarters

You have caused offense. Fear my wrath.Niece was asked how her day was. She said, "I got ice cream." "Really? That's great!" "Yeah," she glumly replied, "but then the teacher took some of *my* money."

Niece is a little too acclimated to Gramma's kitchen, where the ice cream is free. Having to pay for it honked her off pretty bad.

What nephew does (secretly) with his quarters

When you care enough to give the very bestNephew came home from school and hadn't eaten his lunch. The second day, the same thing happened. After the third day (again, with his sack lunch untouched), he came home and announced, "I need more quarters for the vending machines."

Ah, pop and chips. Lunch of champions. :)


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