Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Darn Right! (Psuedo-Celeb!)

I had another Psuedo-Celebrity sighting! One of the very best of them all!

No, seriously, *who* delivers ten times outta ten?A guy walked by my office last week and asked for directions to somebody's desk. I swear, he looked almost identical to THE MAN, Mr. Samuel L. Jackson.

I did a rather enthusiastic double-take. I think it scared him. He didn't pull a gun on me or anything!

I thought about asking if his wallet had "Bad SomethingOrOther" engraved on it, but I couldn't figure out how to work it into casual conversation.

Late last week there was another bizarre sighting. I was walking back from lunch and passed a guy on the sidewalk who looked like a taller, thinner Dick Cheney. It was like somebody had taken the Vice-Prez and pulled his head upward until he stretched.

I've included a dramatization:
I can see my house from here!

He didn't even shoot me in the face! I count myself lucky. ;)


History of sightings:
John Ratzenberger.
John Belushi.
Charlie Chaplin.
Sammy Davis Jr.
Sherlock Holmes.
Carol O'Conner.
Charles Barkley.
Al Sharpton, Hurley (again), Santa.
Drew Barrymore, John Cleese, Richard Simmons, Amanda Plummer, Jack Black.
Rainn Wilson
Cousin Itt, Corpse Bride



At 12:16 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

What are these *&#$!$ snakes doing on my *&$#% plane?

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Google Analytics is giving an error on page load here btw.. Certificate doesn't match..

At 2:23 PM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

It's gone now. I think Google had some problems earlier, I couldn't even get www.google.com to load.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Just passing along the info!


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