Thursday, August 09, 2007

Blonde Moment

Beans, beans, the musical fruit! The more you eat, the more you toot!Some time ago, we found ourselves at a Mexican restaurant with Scruffy and some other friends. Scruffy and I both ordered the "Texas Burrito", but he specifically asked for no guacamole on his.

Wha?When the waitress arrived with the food, she spent several moments examining our burritos, trying to figure out which one didn't have guacamole. After almost a full minute of "This one is WAIT... I think it's this one... wait a minute... ", she noticed that there was a single side dish of guacamole on her tray.

She began to blush and laugh at her mistake. Scruffy assured her, "It's alright." I followed up with, "You just had a small blonde moment, but don't worry. Your best moments are ahead of you."

SPOON!!!!Thusly encouraged, she promptly smacked a plate against the back of my wife's chair, which dislodged a spoon. The "WHAP! Cllllaaaaaannngggg!" noise reverberated throughout the dining room.

She glared at me. "My best moments, eh?"

I will attempt to hide my shameIt was my turn to blush. "I'll shut up now."

I didn't even eat my guacamole.


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