Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Curiosity, Confrontation

Pardon me. It's getting late as I write this, so it may not all quite make sense.


To infinity... AND BEYOND!I've mentioned Lightyear once before. He stops by our office every now and then to say hi. He's a fun fellow who likes to tell stories.

In the middle of last week he found out I have a blog. He wrote down the address so that he and his wife could take a look.

Yesterday morning (Monday), he stopped by. He didn't say hello, like normal. Instead, he walked right up to me and said, "My wife and I want to know what you have against Arby's."

Well, they did make me violently ill once. But really, I don't have anything against Arby's. I just needed a scapegoat. :)


Office Chair?!?My Google Analytics report from yesterday had a fun thingy in it. Apparently, somebody from Belgium (yes, Belgium, I'm not making this up) typed "Metacow" into a search engine and found my site. Specifically, they found this moment of greatness from Metacow.

I'm at a loss as to why this could happen. Maybe Metacow knows somebody in Belgium. Or maybe "Metacow" is a Belgium word that means "Light of the world". Now that would be irony.

The Final Insult

As my wife was proof-reading this post, she saw the first line and said, "Aw... I'll help you make it sense."

*giggle*It took a second for me to catch her subtle joke. Then I nearly cried laughing.

Thanks, Honey. :)



At 1:24 PM, Blogger MetaCow said...

This prompted me to google Metacow. I got 47 hits, about 10 of which I was responsible for either directly or indirectly. The others were... odd.


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