Friday, November 30, 2007

Cassettes! Nutz!

Don't count me out just yet...Over a year ago, I wrote a triumphant blog story about my old cassette tape collection. I had taken more than 100 old cassette tapes, and over the course of a couple of years, I had converted them all to MP3. The story can be found here.

Well, it turns out I wasn't quite done.

My parents have been trying to get rid of some of the clutter in their home. They found a box in my old bedroom that was crammed full of cassettes. When I went home for Thanksgiving, I was given a great meal, a place to stay... and the mystery box.

The actual cassette pile - click it for a larger version!There's 178 (or so) more cassettes for me to shuffle through.

The upside is that lots of this is stuff I don't want. The hit parade includes such classics as Janet Jackson, Robert Palmer, Prince, Bang Tango, Kid n' Play, Quiot Riot, Ratt, MC Hammer, and Vanilla Ice. I bet I can just throw away at least half of this joy.

Click for a larger versionAlso in the box were a couple of year's worth of "Nintendo Power" magazines from the late 80's. I was such a hopeless nerd.

I know, I know,... some of you are debating the word "was" in that sentence. You know who you are. *sigh*

You're probably right.


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