Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Beverage Spill

A green bouncy-ball, a golf ball, and a marbleLate last week, there was an incident. It involved one of my office toys.

You can see them in the pic on the right. I put some round "objects" (balls of various types) there in the base of my monitor. Big Dawg is a big fan of them. When he walks by my desk, he almost always grabs the green bouncy object and bounces it a few times. He describes this habit as a "near-autistic need."

Late Friday, he once again grabbed the green object and bounced it a few times. Then he sat down near my desk to chat. He bounced the object again, and things went wrong. The bouncy object jumped up onto my desk, and knocked over a full, tall styrofoam cup of hot tea.

Very full. Very hot.The hot cuppa spilled all over my desk, keyboard, and right knee. The object bounced happily along, its quest for destruction fulfilled.

The janitorial crew was called, the keyboard dried out. My knee stayed damp all afternoon, but the crisis was averted. At the conclusion, I walked over to Big Dawg. "Are you ready for this?" I asked. I got a blank stare from Big Dawg. "You know this is coming." Again, I got a confused look. So I took a deep breath and said;

"You are no longer allowed to play with my [objects]."

It was quite a moment. :)


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

I can just imagine how that went over, was Big Dawg able to get back up off the floor?

I know that's where I would have been.....

At 10:59 AM, Blogger dude said...

Are you in the habit of letting your coworkers play with your *objects*?

At 8:17 AM, Blogger jeff.w.mcclung said...

See what you missed out on when you jumped ship, Slade? ;)


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