Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Face Plant

Last weekend, we took a trip down to Tulsa for some shoppin' n' such. We took Scruffy with us.

My wife and I drove over to Scruffy's house. I walked inside to let him know we were ready to go. Scruffy said, "Let me go grab something real quick," and ran off toward his bedroom. This is where it got weird.

Ka-boom!I heard a massive Slide-THUD-Crash! noise. I thought maybe Scruffy had opened up his hall closet and had stuff fall down on him. I rounded the corner to find him on the floor in his hallway, holding his head. There was a "Scruffy's face"-shaped mark on the wall in front of him.

He'd tripped and ran face-first into the wall. There was a huge red mark on his forehead. He actually stayed down for almost a full minute before he felt stable enough to stand up.

Where... am I? My head-- uhhh!We spent most of the day with him. I kept looking at his forehead and forcing myself not to giggle. At one point we were waiting for our names to be called at a restaurant. I took out my cell phone to check the time, and the thought occurred to me... "There's a camera on this thing. Scruffy's not paying attention to me. I could take a pic and post it on my blog..."

I decided not to be that mean. After all, he *did* mildly concuss himself in his own domicile. That has to hurt in more ways than one.

Hope you're feeling better, Scruffy!


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