Wednesday, August 27, 2008

That's Hot

Also, no deodorantI saw this sign on the bathroom door at work yesterday.

Inside, everything looked normal. The dire portent of doom was only on the door outside, which made it easy to forget about while I was otherwise engaged inside.

If you can dodge a wrench...When I went to the sink, naturally I turned on the hot water. A steamy vertical funnel of agony shot up into my face. I screamed and lept backwards into the wall. The janitor came, but instead of saving me from my disgrace he handed me a wrench and made me help him fix the pipes.

*Please* don't ask me to turn around...Actually, no. None of that happened. What really happened is that I turned on the hot water and the door fell off of the cabinet below. Two live badgers, a pink fox and half of a dead fish fell out. They looked at me accusingly (except for the fish). Turns out, the water had been leaking there a long time, and some powerful mushrooms were growing.

Wanna rock and roll all night?Again, I tell a fib. When I turned on the hot water, the pipes rumbled and growled like a many-horned demon of lore. I quickly turned off the water and tried to make my getaway, but the janitor was nearby. He shouted at me, "Didn't you see the sign?" I quickly improvised, "No, I must have been in here when the sign was posted." He gave me an angry look and said, "That sign's been posted for over an hour!" I widened my eyes incredulously. "Yes?", I said. "And your point is?"

He gave up and let me go.

So tell the truth... which of those stories do you think is most likely? :)


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 is most likely imho
-- Scruffy

At 8:59 AM, Blogger V said...

Door #1! No, no, wait...let me think about this...DOOR #1! WAIT! That's not right, Door #3. Yes. That's my final answer. NO! Door #2! DOOR NUMBER TWO! :D

Wait. What was the question?

Secret code word today - dawgg


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