Thursday, September 04, 2008

It Oughta Be A Holiday

I refuse to be a part of thisMonkey Dance! Ook!Today is the day! The first NFL game of the season. At my house, this game will be celebrated in the traditional way... with horribly fattening snacks, the TV up loud enough to make Zeus' mountain shake, and a life-sized inflatable John Madden doll. We'll shout at the tube as if the players can hear us and dance like caffeinated monkeys every time somebody scores. Some years, if "the mood" strikes us, my wife and I will leave at halftime and go vandalize a neighbor's yard.

It's not officially a holiday, but it may as well be. How will you celebrate?

Other unofficial holidays of note:

Every Thursday:
- Friday Eve

The season premier of American Idol:
- Thanksgiving

Chad Johnson's anual contract holdout:
- Ocho Cinco de Mayo


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Well next spring we will have to watch out for the "Thunder"....


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