Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fan Or No Fan

Still has that 'new guy smell'A few inaugural thoughts. Politics are such a touchy subject that I won't use nicknames on this one.

About 15 minutes or so before the big moment, a breathless co-worker ran by my desk. "They're streaming the inauguration in the training room!" she shouted. Then *whoosh* and she was gone. I've never seen her move so fast.

Windy?What do you think?

Fan?  Or No Fan?

The bow that destroyed TokyoI had work to do, but I wandered into the room anyway. I was immediately assaulted by Aretha Franklin's "Audacity Of Hat". Holy buckets! That thing must have done something to her short-term memory, because I swear I saw her glancing down several times during the song, as if she was consulting a lyric sheet.

Then, the string quartet. The oath of office was coming up next. A different co-worker looked down at his mug. "Huh," he mused, "I'm out of coffee." He left and didn't come back.

Lucky?Depending on your love for the almighty bean, you *could* argue that he knew what was most important. In case, what do you think?

Fan?  Or No Fan?

OK, I admit, I used this post as an excuse to browse pictures of the Deal or No Deal girls. Was it that obvious?


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Fyrebaugh said...

Holy frijolies, what a bow head! You know "bow head" meant something else to me in the college years. It seemed that ever sorority sister had to put a bow in their hair just to get through the week!

My my, memories...


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