Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sound Effects

I will no longer politely askMy wife sometimes has trouble getting people off the phone. We discuss this problem every now and then, but I think this time I really came up with a winner.

I suggested that she carry around an mp3 player loaded with sound effects. Then, she could make up any number of excuses to get off the phone. The more shocking and out-of-place the sound, the better. Keep in mind, we live well within city limits. :)

"... so then my grandmother said to me ..."
"Look, I gotta..."
"... and I said to her, I told her she was CRAZY, and then ..."
"Please, I need to..."
"... and you know what she said then? She said..."
Moments before becoming an 'America's Funniest Home Videos' sensation[BBBRB RBBRRR UUUBUU UUUUUU UUUUZZ ZZZZZZZ]
"Oh sorry, I have to go. I'm chainsawing down an old tree."

How fun! A bizarre sound, a quick zinger, and then a blessed dial tone! It can't fail.

Imagine hearing a gun battle erupt in the background. Then, the zinger: "Sorry, there's a violent uprising against the home-owner's association. I'll have to go put the punks down."

Daffy, no!Imagine hearing a duck desperately quacking. Then, the zinger: "Excuse me, our Duck Pâté dinner is trying to make a run for it."

I'd really rather not be included in thisImagine hearing a car go screaming by, tires squealing, followed by police sirens. Then, the zinger: "Sorry, Burt Reynolds is here. I need to make sure he doesn't leave. Rawr."

Anyone have any other suggestions? :)


At 1:10 PM, Blogger LadyPatsFan said...

Who needs an MP3 player when you have kids and pets?

"I have to go, the 3yo just split her lip." "I have to go, the 3yo just split her eyebrow open and needs stitches." "I have to go, the 3yo split her chin in the bathtub." "I have to go, the 3yo just cracked her head on the fireplace and needs stitches."

Hey wait, I'm seeing a pattern here.


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