Friday, October 09, 2009

Creating Work

Conversations with Big Dawg can get silly pretty fast.

He came by my desk recently with a mournful look in his eyes. "I just sent an email that is going to create more work for me," he said.

Your idea may have some meritHe went on to explain that he had emailed one of "The Big Bosses" to make a suggestion. It was a good suggestion that would improve one of our processes, but it was also something that Big Dawg would have to create.

"I just know he's going to love the suggestion," Big Dawg lamented, "but I don't *want* him to love the suggestion."

It was time for some helpful Jeff-wisdom. "You need to spin it so that there are pitfalls as well as benefits," I said. "Tell him it'll be great, and it'll do wonderful things, but it will also makes spiders fall on his head. For days."

Big Dawg nodded. "Days," he agreed. Then, he flashed an evil grin. "Don't mind me over here on the ladder."
'Spaz Attack' in 5... 4... 3... 2...
He leaned over, as if he was looking down on something. Then, he pantomimed dropping something very small, and thrust his arms up into the air with glee.


Who knew dropping virtual spiders on phantom heads could be so much fun?


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