Thursday, January 18, 2007

Her Glass Is Half Empty

My sister isn't having any fun with our recent sleet / freezing rain / ice storm. She lives out in the country, so her power's been off for almost a week now.

Troy-Bilt!Her husband got them a gas-powered generator so they could at least have heat. Now, this is key... most folks, when they get such a toy, only hook up their heaters to it. However, Sis's entire house got hooked up. The intent was to have heat and lights, since they live out away from the city.

The generator wasn't strong enough to run everything. So, Sis told everybody not to turn on anything. The power was just for lights, nothing else. This message didn't quite take hold.
Good-bye cruel world!
First, kiddo #1 tried to turn on a small TV. POOF! There was literally smoke coming from the TV. While Sis got onto kiddo #1 about the mistake, there was a shout from the kitchen.

Mikey-WaveIn the kitchen, kiddo #2 was waving smoke away from the microwave. Trying to warm up something in there was not a good idea with the power being so weak.

Sis gathered all the kids together. She pointed out the dead TV, and the dead microwave. While she was doing the "mom" thing, there was a POOF noise from the master bedroom.

POOF!Hubby had momentarily forgotten, and turned on the TV in their bedroom. More smoke.

The next day (which happens to be yesterday) she dropped the kiddos off at Gramma's, and went to work. Ice was not a big enough obstacle to keep her away. She needed the break. :)


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