Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Love Owasso Road Crews

This is what the intersection just south of my apartment looked like last night.

Road Work

I say "looked like", because I'm pretty sure it'll look different by the time I get home tonight. These guys start a project, and they finish it in (relatively) short order. It's a nice opposite to the Tulsa and Stillwater road crews we know and love. Those guys start with the goal of making sure their grand kids will be able to find steady work one day on that same project.

The downer is that I can't drive through that intersection on my way to work. The roundabout way I have to go now adds 10 minutes to my commute both ways. Not a big deal, certainly, just a mild annoyance.

Just like this, but with skyscrapers instead of trees!It's much less annoying than the roads in Downtown Tulsa, which are slowly but surely turning to gravel and dirt under the loving supervision of ODOT. They seem to want to provide a soft place for the bridges to eventually collapse onto. It makes me wonder what exactly ODOT stands for... my money's on Ominous Death Of Transit.


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