Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Answering Machine

My wife and I have a friend who is pregnant. She and my wife chat from time to time. Last week my wife was amused to hear our friend's new voice mail message, which included the phrase:
Leave your dignity at the beep
"I can't come to the phone right now... I'm resting."

This is now officially my favorite voice mail message ever. I'm seriously considering using it for my phone at work.

What are the best voice mail messages you can come up with? Here are some of mine:

C'mon, it's just the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter...Gilbert Gottfried: I'll get back to you after I'm done tutoring Stephen Hawking's son in algebra.

Chuck Norris: I'm roundhouse kicking my mom in the face right now. Don't worry, I'll get to you.

Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran): I'll be at Falls Creek this week, but I'll call you as soon as I get back!

William Shatner: Look, I'm pruning my eyebrows, OK? This should only take a few minutes...

For the record, my actual voice mail message at work sounds like this: "Hi, this is Jeff McClung. I'm not available at the moment. Now you say something."

I wish I could say that one was original, and I'm sure it once was. I read it in a book. :)


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