Thursday, July 24, 2008


This year's spring wardrobe...It's summer and yard work season is in full swing. Almost two months ago one of our neighbors across the street kicked things off by mowing her lawn in a bikini.

Temperatures at the were in the high 70's. No one should have to cover up in such unholy heat, I always say. My wife and I watched the show for a bit and pondered: If she's bikini'd in this weather, what will she be wearing in August? Nothing? It was a prospect that deeply worried at least one of us.

I'm really glad I decided against the overcoat and mittens.Of course, now we are flirting intently with 100 degree days. We have been introduced to act 2 of our circus of curiosities: A next-door neighbor kid who mows his yard in 99 degree heat... in jeans... in the middle of the afternoon.

He would work for nearly three whole minutes at a time before having to stop and cool down. Most impressive. Maybe he should have gone to the lady across the street and borrowed her bikini.
Yes, this is Jim Carey. No, you cannot have your innocence back.
Just think how disturbing *that* would be.



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