Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stress Relief?

Yesterday, I was talking with a co-worker who I'll call Mr. Coffee. Mr. Coffee has had some rough days as of late, and was trying to come up with a method of stress relief. This is what he came up with:

Fork"What we need to do is find a small room somewhere in this building that's not being used. Then, we hire a few minimum-wage guys to stay in that room. That way, when you're having a stressful day, you can just go into that room and stab somebody with a fork."

SporkThere was a significant pause for laughter. Once that died down, he elaborated some of the finer details of the plan. You must bring your own fork. If one of the fork-takers dies in the process, they would get special benefits - specifically, a free obituary listing. If you are able to lure an annoying co-worker into the room, then you could stab them with a spork.

Try as I might, it's hard to find flaws with a plan like this.


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