Thursday, April 05, 2007

Progress As Promised

Shinola... or that other stuff?I've recently gone through a bit of a rough stretch at work. I've had a Reverse Midas Touch. King Midas, of course, is the mythical figure who could turn things into gold just by touching them. In my case, everything I touched turned to Shinola. At least, I think it was Shinola. It may have been that other stuff. Some days, it's hard to tell the difference.

I can keep this up all weekIn any case, yesterday was a banner day. I made significant progress on two projects that had been kicking my hinder for the past week and a half.

Today, I anticipate another good day. Not only am I on the downhill stretch for those two projects, but also today is Friday for me. That's right... I got tomorrow off for good behavior.

Happy Easter!There will almost certainly not be a blog story here for tomorrow. I plan to kick back and enjoy the long holiday weekend. Be blessed!... I'll see you all again next week.


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