Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Price *Used* To Be Right

Please help control the pet population!I'm sure you've seen / heard the news about Bob Barker. After 35 years of hosting The Price Is Right (TPIR), he has retired. TPIR was a fun show to watch. During the summers of my school years, I would watch it daily. During college, if I didn't have a class at 9 A.M., I would watch it. I recorded Barker's last episode and watched it. It was simple, but great.

Now comes the terrifying thought of who his replacement might be. Apparently, Rosie O'Donnell wants to be the next host of TPIR.

Don't make me kick your hinder.This horrifies me for lots of reasons. One, I despise Rosie. Two, I love TPIR. Three,... Barker endorses her. It's enough to make me never have a pet spayed or neutered.

I think the most unrealistic part of the whole thing is, I can't possibly imagine her shutting up long enough for one of the contestants to be able to talk.

"Is the next number in the price of the car a 5, or a 7?"
Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!"Hmm.. I think I'm gonna go with ..."
"Er.. I think..."
"My lifestyle is above reproach!"
"I'm gonna pick number..."
"Donald Trump's hair is FAKE!!!"

The thought of it makes me very sad. *sigh*

Bonus Story

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!Yesterday, one of the Ukrainian press room workers across the hall from me visited a nearby vending machine. Whatever she bought, she dropped. Her "Oh! Oh! Oh!" laughter sounded an awful lot like a monkey hooting. It amused me. :)


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