Horticultural Engineering
Ha! You thought I was makin' it up, didn't you? Here's the wildly anticipated horticultural blog post! Yeah, baby!
Anyway, Sunday I explored a new outlet for my creative genius. I took ordinary plant life and molded it into art.
Another way to look at it is that I took existing landscaping and trimmed it up real nice. To you I say, Skeptic! Killjoy! Communist! Just because you're right doesn't mean I can't passionately defend myself.
The hedges aren't as straight as they were the first time I worked on them, but I had a certified master gardener helping. Don't act so impressed... it was my father-in-law. You didn't think I'd pay for a master gardener, did you?
The way I look at it, it was win-win. I got to play with a noisy power tool (my hedge trimmers). Plus, I didn't cut through the power cord while I was doing it. I came close once, though. :)
If you'll indulge me just a moment, let's go back at look at that first pic' again...
Have you been watching "Wipeout"? It's sophomoric, but even so that show makes me laugh until I cry. Check out this poor childless (from this point forward) contestant trying to cross the "Big Balls":
Say what you will, but it's a heck of lot more entertaining than Season 2 of "Heroes".
So basically, you're creating a mini-wipeout zone for squirrels?
I don't know what your blog it saying to me today, but I'm sure I don't like it. Code word is - weefuxy
"...a mini-wipeout zone for squirrels..."
Holy buckets, I wish I'd thought of that phrase! :)
And here I was thinking the neighborhood kids might use your hedges to re-create the show... What a way to be woken up in the morning.....
Dorothy Parker was once asked to use the word "horticulture" in a sentence. Her reply was:
"You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think."
Thank you, good night.
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